NEW Discovery series

NEW Discovery series

Hey, coffee lovers! Hold onto your mugs because we’re about to introduce you to something exciting. Yes, we’re talking about the Atlin Mountain Coffee Roasters’ new Discovery Series!


Now, before we get into the juicy details, let’s clear the air - we know that many of you have been enjoying our classic line of coffees for quite a while now. But here’s the thing, sometimes you want to try something new, something that will add a little spark to your morning routine, and that’s where we come in.


Introducing the Atlin Mountain Coffee Roasters’ Discovery Series! *drumroll*


Our Discovery Series is a selection of coffees from unique regions that we have not included in our classic line of coffees. These micro-lots are only available for a limited time, so make sure you grab a bag while you can. They are the perfect way to explore new flavours and regions and shake up your coffee game.


Now, let’s talk about the flavours. We’re currently offering Yirgacheffe and Rwanda coffees in our Discovery series. Yirgacheffe is a medium dark-roasted coffee that has a fruity and flowery flavour. It has bright acidity and a smooth aftertaste, making it perfect for a morning pick-me-up or afternoon break. Rwanda, on the other hand, is a medium dark-roasted coffee that has a smooth and chocolaty flavour. It has a bold and rich taste that will keep you coming back for more.


So, if you’re ready to embark on a coffee journey and explore unique regions and flavours, then head over to our website and grab a bag of the Atlin Mountain Coffee Roasters’ Discovery Series. Who knows, you might just find your new favourite coffee.


But hurry, it’s only available for a limited time, and we wouldn’t want you to miss out. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

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