How you and we make a difference in the world through coffee.. In the spotlight: AMUCC. The producer of our Organic Columbia excelso used in our Bonanza.
AMUCC- Asociación de Mujeres Caficultoras del Departamento del Cauca (Association of women coffee producers in the Cauca region (Columbia)
The Association of Mujeres Caficultor (Women coffee producers) in the Department of Cauca (Colombia) was born in 1999, endorsed by CAFICAUCA, organizing several rural women, housewives and heads of families, with the objective of starting a joint work in coffee plantations and guaranteeing them a Income for the maintenance of their homes, contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of their associates and their families.
Cauca Women Producers promote the micro-enterprise development of their productive unit, since its objective is the strengthening of the organization, the recovery of the values of the peasant families and the gender equity. AMUCC currently groups 90 women, with diverse profiles: engaged or married women (77%), single women (10%), female heads of households (13%). In addition, some members come from the indigenous communities of Guambianos (2%). The average age of women in AMUCC is 40 years and there are few young members, where the majority have children, on average 4 per family.
Their level of education is also diverse: half went to college, while the rest only finished the first or second grade. Women must demonstrate that they have part of the land where their coffee grows in order to join AMUCC, where it is estimated that women own on average 2 hectares of land and 20% have title deeds. Most women, 60%, do not have a legal title to the land, but they actually have a legal authorization from the notary's office in which the owner (the woman's family or her husband) specifies that he or she Has full right and control over the woman's piece of land. The other 20% have no title of any kind and were in the process of obtaining a legal document.